Offer more harmony to your family
with serene screen management

Adopt a Bizzy

Our first object to help your child regulate his screen time.

Offer more harmony to your family
with serene screen management

Adopt a Bizzy

In connection with specialists in the field of the education and the health, we have developed a method which will help your child to regulate the use of screens in a fun and autonomous way while empowering.

We support you in your parents role

by proposing you a method and ludo-educational objects for better management of screens.

Our Values

Self confidence



We support you in your parents role

by proposing you a method and ludo-educational objects for better management of screens.


Screens take to much room in your family life ?

Too many negotiations ?

Screens take up too much room in
your family life?

Too many negotiations ?

In connection with specialists in the field
of the education and the health we have developed a method which will help your 
child to regulate the use of the screens in a
fun and autonomous way while

