For a serene
management of screens

For a serene
management of screens


Through the game, your child participates with pleasure in the regulation of screens.


He teaches your child to become
familiar with the notion of time.

Sustainable Design

Designed, made and assembled in
Eco-friendly, in wood and mecanical.

How does it work ?

1. Payday

Earlier in the week, you receive from your parents a sum of Biz’coin (credits of time under the shape of coins of 10 and 20 minutes) which consider correcte for a use of screens according to your age.

2. you want to play

Desire of TV or screens? You insert your coins in Bizzy then you turn the timer until the time which corresponds to your Biz’coins.

3. You enjoy

You take advantage completely of your activity screen without concern.

4. BBBZzzz Time’s up!

When your time is sold, Bizzy sound, you can switch off the screen and move on…The weather is beautiful outside !!!

5. End of the week

At the end of the week, your parents get back Biz’coins and give you possibly a bonus if you deserved him by playing well the game !


Credits of time
Recycled wood
100% natural
100% biodegradable


Mecanical Timer
Tic-Tac…time passes (without battery)

Massiv Wood


The benefits

For the child

Autonomy and self reliance

Better interpersonal skills with the parents

Learning of the notion of time

Choice of the programs of television think

For the parents

More dialogue and exchanges

Calmed family atmosphere

Valuable transmission ( self confidence …)

Educational support guide

We support you in the management of screens

Our advices

Find here our advices of management of screens inspired by the positive education in connection with specialists.

Our Ideas of alternatives in the screens

Let your children dig up ideas of activities to be made in our list create by our bizzy ambassadors !

Examples of use...

Examples of use...

Examples of use...

Examples of use...

Once upon a time…

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to change your daily life
I am a 40-year-old mother, passionate about my job as a designer, but also sometimes a little overwhelmed…
Realising that screens had come close to monopolising our household, I had the idea of creating a method of managing time so as to prevent my children from becoming really expert negotiators and turning the family atmosphere into a nightmare!
The need for calm was urgent …
An idea inspired by pocket money… a kitchen timer, some improvised notes with a value in time credit, and my life has been transformed.
Wow…back to peace and quiet at home… what a joy!
Screens were no longer my pet peeve, and my children were delighted!
Of course I couldn’t keep this secret to myself.
My girlfriends began to envy our return to serenity so, together with my creative 8-year-old daughter, we began to draw, to fiddle around…and after a great deal of work and dialogue with educational and health specialists, Bizzy was born.
Now it’s your turn to benefit from it…and tell us how it has worked out!

The companion of your child who gives way to the main part…